
Sites in English language are accepted in our directory.

IMPORTANT! Before adding your website, read our Privacy Policy

All sites are manually checking by the moderator of the catalog and can be added only after its approval.

If the checkout is successfully completed and the site added to the directory, the user will receive an email notification, on email, which he indicated during registration. This email is not published anywhere and used only to contact you.

The catalog moderator has the right to edit, move to the necessary categories or destroy any sites in the catalog in case of suspicion of fraud or other actions that mislead Internet users.

When placing the site in the catalog, please specify the thematic section that corresponds to your site.  If you did not find the section you need – it does not matter. Email us at: topsitescc[at]  and we will add the section you want. We also ask you to send suggestions for improving the work of the site.

To place the site you should indicate a link to the home page, otherwise the site will not be accepted for placement.

The term of consideration by the moderator of the application for adding a site: 1-2 days.

The cost of placing links to the site in the directory

$5 payment to a Visa card 4441 1144 6948 0642

We do not place in our catalog

  • Separate sections or pages of one site, we add only start pages.
  • Internet resources that mislead users.
  • Internet resources of erotic content or SPAM.
  • Internet resources that are under development and (or) inaccessible at the time of moderation.
  • Internet resources that do not correspond to the basic concepts of ease of navigation and appearance for users.
  • Internet resources "dazzling" with advertising or containing a huge amount of pop-up advertising.

Do I need to place backlinks of directory on my site?

According to the rules of placing sites in the directory, a back link to our resource is optional, but is warmly welcome.

We will explain why this is beneficial to both you and us. When posting back links of our catalog - the TIC of our site increases, and, consequently, the weight of links to your site increases in the eyes of search engines. In other words, there is a kind of mutual aid.

Below are examples of links to our resource. You decide whether to post them or not.

Site directory without back links

Site directory without back links

Site directory without back links

Site directory without back links

Site directory without back links

Site directory without back links